I had no idea how bad moving is for you! My FH and I moved out of our 1 bedroom little apartment last Friday, in the pouring rain. The old place didn't have an elevator, so my legs/arms got a good work out hauling boxes downstairs. But we ordered pizza/bought beer for the moving crew..not one...but both days! So I sat there, and ate my face off! Ack! We didn't have any other food around, especially nothing healthy like fruits or veggies. We went into "eat the freezer/fridge up" mode a week before the move, so we're down to frozen perogies, soup and chips. Not such a good idea hey?
The extra sucky thing is that the new place is a disaster! The old tenants had lived there for over 15yrs, were smokers and never told the land lord when things were broken. So we're left with a stained, cigarette burned carpet, water damaged holy and stinky walls, wrecked base boards, electrical outlets that either don't work or were shorted out, and a multitude of other things. Needless to say, my enthusiasm for healthy living was kicked down a few notches by how awful the place looks. I tried to set up my Wii Fit..but I can't find the nun chuck...or the TV remote.
One cool thing I did find though was this EA Active 30 Day Challenge. Its similar to Wii Fit, but more realistic. Apparently its had some results...which I guess is good. It's $64.99 for the package so I think it'll have to wait until the next pay day, but it might be worth it. Interactive things like that seem to hold my attention better than slaving away by myself.
I did however jump on the elliptical this morning for 20 minutes. Now to all you seasoned work out buffs out there, yes I know, that's not long. But a few weeks ago I could barely make 5 minutes without huffing and puffing. So I must be doing something right.
I think a big part of this "healthy me" isn't just the food, or the workouts. It's my whole life. I need to cleanse out the bad before I can really enjoy my results. My goal for today is to clean out a ton of my room, go drop off some old outdated clothes at Goodwill, and maybe do some dusting. I sadly work at 5am tomorrow...so it won't be a late night.
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